Maverick Consulting Group
creative PEOPLE solutions

Maverick, n. An independent-minded person, original, free spirit
To be a maverick means you are confident enough to take a risk. You have passion, creativity and can think on your feet to problem solve. You don't do things the way "everyone else does" and that is what sets you apart. Maverick Consulting Group is focused on providing unique, high-quality service and an extraordinary customer experience - Maverick thinks independently, but works collaboratively.
Maverick is a full service organization focused on PEOPLE and offering services including Recruitment, Transition Services and Coaching Maverick can service your PEOPLE needs with pragmatic tools, and a practical approach whether you are a client or a candidate.
Maverick has launched a Career Guide Series to give you a competitive advantage on the job market. Purchase the MCG today! Our 1st Series is "New To Canada". Upcoming Series will include "New Grads" and "In Transition".
What sets Maverick apart is our depth of experience in finance & accounting AND recruitment, our genuine personal commitment and our network.
Maverick is PEOPLE.